Atef Ashmawy

Board Member

Atef has 30+ years of experience in regional trading predominantly as an independent tradesman on a regional level.

With an extensive trade experience, Atef has been involved in various levels of commodity trading throughout the MENA Region. With a portfolio ranging from plastic, grains to condiments, Atef has made substantial trades in various geographies with focus on North Africa, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Atef manages a portfolio of investments in real estate and quasi cash assets. He continues to pursue business interest in industrial and trade projects.

Giovanni Farina

Board Member

Giovanni has 25+ years of experience on an international level in manufacturing and marketing of consumable products, predominantly for steel production industry.

 Giovanni left SIDERMES (today part of VESUVIUS Sensors and Probes) in 2018, where he acquired direct involvement and experience in many strategic business branches such as Outsourcing, Manufacturing, Marketing, Contracts, Health & Safety, and Quality Compliance.

As General Manager, he continued and lead the development of SIDERMES to an international presence, with direct involvement in its automation implementation and establishing subsidiaries over 9 countries, which allowed the company’s evolution from regional to international.

He has been involved in several training and consulting projects, aimed to optimize the efforts of his principals in the EMEA Region.

Ahmed Ismail

General Project Manager

Ahmed Has 35+ years of experience in production and facility management. In addition, he has a proven track record of operations, maintenance, supply chain, and product development expertise. Ahmed has served as a civil engineer for UNITRADE, project coordinator for USAID, and production manager at METALINK Holdings. Leveraging his technical and civil skills as an engineer, Ahmed was key to the success of facility expansions, production line management, and business development strategies.  He is committed to producing quality products and solutions produced, supervised, and catered to the gulf market needs and industry demands.